Wednesday, April 17, 2013

So Hold my Hand One More Time

Scanlation Group: Yuri Project and Yuri-ism

I've noticed I'm really forgiving on the yuri content when it comes to certain doujins. This is one of those titles. Why do I say this? Because it needs yuri goggles x1000 to view anything as romantic. This isn't a romance story at all. It's just a story of friendship. Even with yuri goggles it's JUST a story about friendship.

So it's set in the Saki Achiga-hen story. It's set at the end of the main story, but this is a "what if?" story. So technically the spoilers are light since it isn't canon information.

Yuri Level: 1 out of 10
Not romantic, but if you have a heavy dose of yuri goggles you might spot something.

You can download it here or here

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